Monday, April 7, 2014

10 Weeks Pregnant with Triplets!

Tomorrow, I will be 10 weeks pregnant with triplets! My Reproductive Endocrinologist gave me a 1% chance of conceiving triplets after putting in three 3-day-old embryos on Valentine’s Day, 2014. I knew as soon as my first beta blood test came in that all three implanted because of how high it was. The first two ultrasounds showed two, and then the 7 week ultrasound finally revealed the third one (we have a camera shy one). Although the third has always been the smallest of the three, he/she continues to catch up and is actually less than 5mm behind the other two which at this stage is hardly anything. After the initial shock of learning that all three implanted, my husband and I are now accepting the fact that we are pregnant with triplets. What an amazing thing, really. 1% chance! I think it’s a miracle! Sure, I am nervous and scared as heck, but I am going to put my 100% faith in God, and hopefully His will is that three babies will be brought into this world safely. I am so nervous about not giving Noah my full attention, but I know that he will have a great upbringing with lots of love and excitement. This is going to be quite a journey, and I feel blessed and thankful for all the love and support I have in my life. I’ve decided to put this blog out there for the world to see. Thanks for following this journey with me. God bless.
The Trio on Day 3

Big brother waiting to see his brothers and/or sisters for the first time.

9 week ultrasound (baby B is out of focus but is alive and well!)
10 weeks pregnant; starting to show for sure!


  1. We are so excited for you! We are praying everyday!! D

  2. Thanks, Cass! You have been such an amazing support to me!
