Friday, April 18, 2014

11 week update!

First, I want to thank you everyone who has given me encouragement and support the past couple of weeks. My biggest fear is that my body is going to fail me and I will lose the babies and I have conveyed that to everyone I have announced this pregnancy to. I’ve received so many words of encouragement and love, and here are some of my favorite:

“Don’t worry! God knew Noah was going to be the big brother to triplets a long time ago!”

My friend prayed: “Thank you, Jesus, for this pregnancy. May this be the beginning of a wonderful testimony of Your glory.”

“Don’t underestimate the miraculous things your body is capable of doing.”

“I’m sure you are scared but 3 is the number of completion.”

“You’ve always been the crazy cat lady and keep in mind that if a cat can do it, you can too.”

We had our 11-week ultrasound yesterday and all three babies are doing great! I am approaching the end of the first trimester. I certainly have three little fighters in there!  Especially Baby C who continues to surprise the fertility doctor. At the 11w2d ultrasound, baby A measured 11w4d, baby B measured 11w5d, and baby C measured 11w3d so they are all within 2 days of each other. This pregnancy hasn't been easy so far. Here's what has been challenging so far during the first trimester:

1. When Tim and I learned that I had three heartbeats in me at or 7-week ultrasound, the Dr. immediately recommended that I do a procedure called selective reduction because I am "too little" to carry triplets. The procedure is done in Los Angeles and the Dr. injects a chemical into the baby's heart to stop it from beating. It is a heartbreaking procedure, literally. It was never an option. All 3 times we have done IVF transfers we've always put in three (per the Dr.’s recommendation) and told the Dr. a long time ago when we did Noah's cycle that reducing would never be an option. These babies’ lives are in the hands of God and they are meant to be.

2. Baby A started with partial placenta previa, and as of yesterday, it is now complete, which means the placenta is covering my cervix and it is causing me to bleed. Almost two week ago, I had a large episode and I almost went to the ER. The fertility Dr. says the baby should move, however if he/she doesn’t, then I can have even more complications. No pregnant lady is okay with random bleeding but it is something I’ve had to get used to seeing. Pray that the baby moves! I have to rest when I feel pain or see red blood and I see strict bed rest in my future! The specialist, whom I see at 14 weeks will determine all that for me. I want to thank my mom for helping me cook, clean, and take care of Noah!

3. Exhaustion has been something I have never experienced in my life until now. I thought the exhaustion while I was pregnant with Noah was bad, but this is triple! I have a little bit of morning sickness, but thank God, not as bad as you would expect with triplets. I am trying to manage it with eating at certain times and I think I am getting the hang of what triggers it. I’ve also learned that I need to sleep at least 10 hours a night to feel somewhat normal. I did end my progesterone shots last week! Finally! And now my body is producing the hormone in large amounts naturally :)

4. Eating a lot has been challenging. Before this IVF, I was on a strict gluten and sugar free diet and I lost 10 pounds so I started off weighing 104, which is on the low side for what is considered a good pre-pregnancy weight (I am 5’2”). I am supposed to eat 160 grams of protein a day, which has been really challenging. I am hungry all the time, but nothing sounds good, which I guess goes along with the morning sickness. All I want is gluten and sugar (go figure), but I know it’s not good for me so not good for the babies.  My goal is to have a glass of freshly juiced vegetables every day, three meals with three different meats for each one, and two protein shakes a day. I want healthy babies by the end of this pregnancy.

5. As I started off this entry, I am just plain ol’ scared. Pregnancy is a wonderfully joyous time for the woman who is expecting and for their families, but because I know how incredibly risky this is going to be, I am know that I can never 100% get there. I had a hard time getting there with Noah even and it’s because of the years of infertility that Tim and I went through. It’s like it’s hard to believe that it’s really happening because it was the “unattainable.” I am happy for my friends and family members who are pregnant with me, but I want that joy of bringing home a baby at the end of the year, too. The reality is is that I have the potential of bringing home THREE babies. How awesome is that? But, being pregnant with triplets is putting a lot of pressure on me. Can my petite frame really do this? As my friend put it, I have to change my stinkin’ thinkin’ and I’m working on it! I started this blog to help me with that! I am putting my 100% faith in Jesus that He brings Tim and me through this and we bring home three healthy babies. Did I mention I feel movement? Crazy, but I’ve been pregnant before and know what the early flutters feel like <3

"Behold, children are a gift from the Lord, the fruit of the womb is a reward."~Psalm 127:3

Wearing maternity pants now :)

Noah with his bath toys: mama duck and her three little babies that fit on her back and duck that is a little bigger than babies (Noah)- Tim wants to know where daddy duck is. I told him daddy ducks don't take care of their babies and good thing he's not a duck!

Baby A :)

Baby B :)

Baby C :)

The three amigos :)


  1. Hi Alexis!
    All of us are keeping your family in our prayers. Give it to God. All of you are in His loving hands!
    Love, Cousin Susie

  2. Thank you so much, Cousin Susie!
